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We’re excited to share a quick update on a recent project. PixelRain has had the pleasure of working with Dick Strawbridge, from Channel 4’s Escape to the Chateau, and his son James, to create a 30-second promo film for their updated edition of Practical Self-sufficiency.

In this book, Dick and James share their extensive knowledge and experience to help readers embark on a more sustainable and environmentally conscious lifestyle. Whether you live in a small urban home or a rural smallholding, Practical Self-sufficiency offers practical advice and projects that anyone can follow to embrace sustainability.

Our collaboration with Dick and James allowed us to capture the essence of their book in a short 30 second promo film. The book covers a wide range of topics, from conserving energy at home and growing your own food, to making greener cleaning products and living a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

We really enjoyed putting this together and we’re thrilled to have played a part in promoting such an important message. Practical Self-sufficiency demonstrates that anyone can make small changes to help the planet, regardless of where they live.